Film Noir 'Pedia:About

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It all started the year of 2013, December, England. Snow failed to materialize, but thick, white fog consumed the city streets. The world continued as usual, those in the distance unable to see what laid before them. A man walked out for lunch, before returning to the presumed safety of his own home—and to his keyboard. He then watched cats on YouTube.

Several days later, Film Noir 'Pedia was born. After a look around on many wikifarms, Noir 'Pedia eventually resigned itself to ShoutWiki, on December 20, 2013 specifically. It focused on the film noir of old, and still does. Articles (should) exist on noir films of the era, famous actors, the conventions and stylistics elements that made noir noir. Note that since our focus is on noir as noir, conventions and all that are given a bit more prominence than they would on, say, Wikipedia.

Since film noir is a primarily American genre—perhaps exclusively, depending on your definition—American English is preferred stylistically, though the founder is British and doesn't give any rat arses so don't strain your head over it. Just don't start writing French in articles or anything (unless you're saying "film noir" itself, or maybe "femme fatale", which are in fact French-derived).

If you want to help, the sign-up/log-in should be somewhere up in the general top-right area of the page, above the article itself in the corner. You're welcome to come in, and since we have 0 articles at this time of writing a hand would always be appreciated. If you're not, you can just browse the site and I guess all its 0 articles?

Wish us luck, and we'll do the same![1]

To conclude[edit source]

Name Coverage Language Founded on Can I help?
Film Noir 'Pedia Film noir—its characters, archetypes, and films and people of the era. English (American preferred) December 20, 2013 It would be much appreciated.
  1. Warning: Wishing for luck does generally not work in noir settings.